Kevin’s Cloud Native World Tour 2017
This year has been a very “cloud native” year for me. While I’ve been knee deep in the concepts and implementations of cloud native patterns for quite some time now, momentum increased quite a bit with the publication of Beyond the 12 Factor Application — Exploring the DNA of Highly Scalable, Resilient Cloud Applications.
Since then I co-wrote and published Cloud Native Go, a book that goes into depth on cloud native as well as disciplines like CI/CD, testing, automation, and why that’s all important for cloud native applications.
Just recently another book I wrote — Building Microservices with ASP.NET Core — also went to print and I’ll be discussing that topic in depth in London in October at O’Reilly SACon.
I have been presenting to friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else who will listen about cloud native concepts, patterns, and implementations. My quest has brought me to RedisConf in San Francisco to talk about using Redis to support microservices, to QCon in New York to talk about Cloud Native Go, and most recently all the way to Beijing, China to chat about cloud native, the “15 factors”, and my personal philosophy on team perspective that Dan Nemeth and I call “The Way of the Cloud” (云道).
The next stop on my cloud native world tour is London in just a few days. I am excited to be a part of this year’s Cloud Native London where I will be sharing my thoughts on cloud native application development and all that entails.
The term cloud native is yet another overused and diluted buzzword. Everyone you ask seems to have a different interpretation of the phrase and what it means for them and their organization.
This creates the need for distillers like myself who go around and shave the hype and coverage down to the essence of the thing. What is it? Why should I care? What’s in it for me and my company? Most importantly, what does this look like in the real world and away from Twitter and blog posts and conferences?
If you’re curious about any of these things and looking for some guidance and hopefully some inspiration on cloud native, then I’d love to see you at my next presentation!